Thursday, September 30, 2010

Level 9 Troops

The recent event (and it is not yet over, you can still buy the Persian boxes, but the devils do not drop them now) allow players to acquire Level 9 books for :
  • Infantry 5 : Berserker / Sword Dancer / Duelist
  • Infantry 6 : Slurbow / Longbowman / Sniper
  • Cavalry 4 : Mounted Crossbowman / Horse Archer / Destroyer
But that leads to the question : How much better are Level 9 troops?

Level 7 over Level 6 Level 8 over Level 7 Level 9 over Level 8
Sword Dancer 19.57% 16.70% 15.75%
Longbowman 19.29% 17.93% 16.78%
Horse Archer 18.40% 19.77% 16.11%
Duelist 20.30% 18.95% 15.31%
Sniper 17.97% 16.85% 15.74%
Destroyer 15.65% 16.87% 14.43%
Orcish Berserker 17.63% 16.59% 15.62%
Orcish Slurbow 19.10% 17.79% 16.68%
Mounted Crossbowman 17.87% 19.07% 16.28%

The laws of diminishing returns appear to apply. The shocker is that level 8 over level 7 for Cav 4 is actually more significant than level 7 over level 6.

16%-19% average is a lot. However, hero skills increases the troop by a fixed amount, independent of the troop level. Some scrolls also improve the troop by fixed amount (especially ATK and DEF). So, depending on your hero's skill and equipped scrolls, your mileage may vary.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Military Book Names

This is the 3rd event where we are getting military books.
The book names are not always obvious for the troop names.
eg. Parrying => Orc Infantry 2 (Warrior).
Some of the book names aren't even spelled correctly.
But below is the table (misspelling included), so that you won't mess up your claim.

Orc Human Dwarf
Infantry 1 Axe specialty Swordsmanship Hammer skills
Infantry 2 Parrying Shield Heavy armor
Infantry 3 Crossbow lover Shooting course Gunner course
Infantry 4 Broadsword skill Pike training Spear training
Infantry 5 Berserk power Sword dance Heave hammer
Infantry 6 Heavy crossbow Longbow training Rapid shot
Cavalry 1 Tame wolf Riding course Robot pilot
Cavalry 2 Dire wolf Charge training Robot fight
Cavalry 3 Sword and wolf Horse spearplay Improved robot
Cavalry 4 Wolf and arrowes Horse archery Robot shooting

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Armor for Military and Contest

The recent event (and is still on-going as I write this) gives a complete Green Knight set for a quest, and then a complete Blue Knight set for another.
But how do those sets compare to what you get in Arena?

Regular set (Black)
These adds to armor, and when the set is completed, you get a set bonus of STR, DEF and HP.

Regular set (Green)
These adds to ONE attribute (STR/DEF/AGI/DEX), the armor value is higher than black sets.

Regular set (Blue)
These adds to TWO attributes, the amount added is more than that in green, and the armor value is yet higher.

Regular set (Purple)
These adds to TWO attributes, the amount added is more than blue, and the armor value is higher than blue.

Arena (Blue)
These add to ONE attribute, the amount added is in the same range as the regular blue set. The armor value is the same as the regular blue set. It also adds to 2 separate Arena stats, but it does not give a set bonus.

The preference is in this order for items of the same level :
1. Regular (Purple)
2. Regular (Blue)
3. Arena (Blue)
4. Regular (Green)
5. Regular (Black)

But how do we compare gears of different level?
If a hero is equipped with a Blue Fury set, does he give it up for the Tiger arena set at level 50?

The way to compare it is to equip the set, and look at the hero's stats.
If the hero is equipped with only non-arena items, the War and Contest stats should be identical.
Each point in STR/AGI/DEX will add to 3 points in stats, while a point in DEF will add to 4 points in stats. For Blue arena items, if the attribute added is 'X', the arena stats added will be 3 times X if the stats are DMG/EVD/Crit, but 4 times X if the stat is AMR. But these only affects contest stats, not military. That is why when you equip arena items, your military stats will be lower than contest stats. And as such, each item has a different value, for military and contest. For sets that has a bonus, the bonus value needs to be amortized across the 5 items.

Military Value = [Total attributes]*4 + Armor
Contest Value = [Total attributes]*4 + Armor + AMR(if any) + (DMG/EVD/Crit)/3*4
Bonus Value = [Total bonus attributes]/5*4

So if you are equipping a complete regular blue set, the military value will be military value + bonus value. However, HP bonus affects contest much more linearly than in military. So the contest value will be contest value + bonus value + HP value. That HP value is harder to measure, since that will depend on the hero's base HP. But I'll put it at about 20%.

I'll use 20%, and give a summary of how the items stack up to each other. It also assumes complete set with set bonus.
You may want to do your own Math with the formula above, especially if you have sets of mixed colors, or using a mix of regular and arena items.

Gear Color/Type Level Military Value Arena Value
Fury Blue 45-49 399 479
Shark Blue/arena 45-49 278 434
Guard Black 50 216 259
Guard Green 50 318 381
Guard Blue 50 460 552
Tiger Blue/arena 50 320 500
Knight Green 55-59 361 433
Knight Blue 55-59 520 624
Knight Purple 55-59 678 814
Leopard Blue/arena 55-59 362 566
Zealot Green 60-64 399 479
Zealot Blue 60-64 580 696
Zealot Purple 60-64 753 904
Lion Blue/arena 60-64 404 632
Marsoon Blue/arena 65-69 446 698
Lionheart Purple 70 892 1071
Mammoth Blue/arena 70 488 764
Brutish Blue/arena 75 530 830

Monday, September 13, 2010

Contest Hero

This game is mostly, if not completely, about military strength. As such, most of your heroes should be focused on Military Skills. However, I believe that having ONE contest hero is a good thing, but just ONE. This is more true for those who do not donate to the game.

Here are the reasons :
#1 To complete all 5 pagoda for the rewards.
#2 To complete all 5 pagoda without using level 70s, to get gold (about 20k a week).
#3 As a side effect, that hero will do well in Arena and qualify fast for arena rewards.

Is one hero really enough for all 5 pagoda? Yes. A good contest hero can clear the first 2 pagoda without healing.
Can you really get 20k gold? Yes. You get more gold if you use lower level heroes. So a level 50 clearing all 5 pagoda can get you at least 20k gold.

What do you need to make a good contest hero?
#1 Blue (or Purple).
#2 ONE scroll slot - Confidence, level 4.
#3 Contest skills - 10 points in all contest skills, then 20 points into Power Attack. After that, you can go ahead and put points into military skills.
#4 Weapon : Level 50 Blue, nothing less.
#5 Armor : Fury or Guard set, not Shark or Tiger.

With above, a level 55 hero should be able to clear all 5 level of Pagoda, and get 20k gold every week from pagoda.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


【Union】【heretic】:hello do i find an Adamas?
【Union】【bossmonquez】: prayer

Above chat prompted me to write this blog.

Adamas is the rarest stone needed to upgrade your nobility ranking.
You need one to uprade to Warrior, and one to upgrade to Sir.
You'll need two of them to upgrade to Knight, and another two for Baron.
You'll need even more for higher Nobility ranks.

It is so rare, that only 25 players have gotten past the ranking of Sir.

So how do you find an Adamas?
bossmonquez's answer is not far from the truth : prayer.
As far as I know, the only place to find an Adamas is from a Jewelry Chest.
And the odds of finding an Adamas in a Jewelry Chest is not high.
I have found only 2 so far, after opening more than 25 Jewelry Chests.

This may lead to another question : How do you find a Jewelry Chests?
  1. You can buy them in the shop for 80 diamonds (not tickets).
  2. You get one for every 20 rounds of Devil Sweep (which happens every Thursday).
  3. You can find them from Superior Treasure Map.
Good luck, and my prayers are with you each time you open the chest.