Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Level 69

Many players feel a sigh of relieve when they get past level 69 and land on level 70. Some feelts it is psychological, but it is really the hardest level. At level 69, you need 1.2 mil exp to level up. That is more than the 1.198 mil exp needed to level up at level 79 to the max level of 80.
You can see it in the table below.

When you get past 69 to 70, it is also close enough to call it the halfway mark to the max level of 80. So if you feel that your hero is stuck at level 69, be patience, it is indeed the hardest level of all.

Level Exp to level up Total exp attained Percentage of exp to level 80
1 186 0 0.00%
2 386 186 0.00%
3 602 572 0.00%
4 835 1174 0.01%
5 1087 2009 0.01%
6 1361 3096 0.01%
7 1659 4457 0.02%
8 1984 6116 0.03%
9 2339 8100 0.04%
10 2727 10439 0.05%
11 3151 13166 0.06%
12 3617 16317 0.08%
13 4128 19934 0.09%
14 4689 24062 0.11%
15 5306 28751 0.13%
16 5985 34057 0.16%
17 6732 40042 0.19%
18 7554 46774 0.22%
19 8459 54328 0.25%
20 9457 62787 0.29%
21 10556 72244 0.33%
22 11768 82800 0.38%
23 13103 94568 0.44%
24 14575 107671 0.50%
25 16196 122246 0.57%
26 17984 138442 0.64%
27 19954 156426 0.72%
28 22124 176380 0.82%
29 24516 198504 0.92%
30 27150 223020 1.03%
31 30051 250170 1.16%
32 33246 280221 1.30%
33 36764 313467 1.45%
34 40637 350231 1.62%
35 44898 390868 1.81%
36 49588 435766 2.02%
37 54747 485354 2.25%
38 60420 540101 2.50%
39 66659 600521 2.78%
40 73518 667180 3.09%
41 81056 740698 3.43%
42 89340 821754 3.80%
43 98441 911094 4.22%
44 108437 1009535 4.67%
45 119413 1117972 5.17%
46 131464 1237385 5.73%
47 144692 1368849 6.33%
48 159208 1513541 7.00%
49 175135 1672749 7.74%
50 192606 1847884 8.55%
51 211767 2040490 9.44%
52 232777 2252257 10.42%
53 255809 2485034 11.50%
54 281055 2740843 12.68%
55 308720 3021898 13.99%
56 339032 3330618 15.41%
57 372237 3669650 16.98%
58 408605 4041887 18.71%
59 448430 4450492 20.60%
60 450000 4898922 22.67%
61 465125 5348922 24.75%
62 480500 5814047 26.91%
63 496125 6294547 29.13%
64 512000 6790672 31.43%
65 528125 7302672 33.80%
66 544500 7830797 36.24%
67 561125 8375297 38.76%
68 578000 8936422 41.36%
69 1200000 9514422 44.03%
70 984000 10714422 49.59%
71 1006560 11698422 54.14%
72 1029440 12704982 58.80%
73 1052640 13734422 63.56%
74 1076160 14787062 68.43%
75 1100000 15863222 73.41%
76 1124160 16963222 78.50%
77 1148640 18087382 83.71%
78 1173440 19236022 89.02%
79 1198560 20409462 94.45%
80 1224000 (locked)
21608022 100.00%

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