The maximum population for the main city is 1855.
The maximum population for a sub city is 1835.
The difference is due to the Union Chamber, which can only be constructed in the main city.
Note that having the max population does not mean all constructions have completed, just that the last structure has started construction. It will be another 500 more hours before I have all constructions finished.
Now, when you look at the top cities ranking list, you will find some players having cities above 1855 population. This is due to a glitch that hithere didn't want to fix. When you start a construction, your population increment for that structure is awarded. However, if that construction is not completed, due to termination for striding crusade (world merge), that population is already awarded. When you start construction for the same structure again, after the crusade, you will be awarded the population for that structure again. This double accounting is what leads to the glitch, or the politically correct term, bug.
Now you know how you can trigger this bug, be warned, you will be paying for the extra food. If that does not bother you, the maximum you can gain for a single crusade is 55. Before a crusade begins, demolish the following 3 structures, and start their constructions such that it will not complete before the crusade. You will need to use a builder queue to have 3 constructions.
- Infantry Barrack - Level 5 or 6 - 20 pop
- Cavalry Barrack - Level 6 - 20 pop
- BBQ/Water Wheel/Food Factory - Level 3 - 15 pop